We use a contact/information system (School Comms), I have set out below some further guidance regarding the way pupil behaviour is currently being reported. Hopefully this will help!
As you are aware, if your child misbehaves in school then they will be spoken to about their behaviour; this is often seen as a first warning and if this happens in the classroom their name will be written on the board at the front of the class – this serves as a reminder to both the pupil and the teacher and hopefully reinforces to the pupil that his/her behaviour was unacceptable. If a member of staff has to speak to the pupil again regarding the same behaviour, or a different type then a tick will be recorded against their name on the board – at this stage they will be asked to stay behind at the end of the lesson so that the teacher can reiterate to them why they lost two behaviour points and perhaps catch up on any work missed. This behaviour is then recorded on the pupil’s record.
If you have downloaded the School Comms app then you may have received messages regarding your child’s behaviour. School Comms is linked to our school information management system (SIMS) onto which members of staff record any behaviour incidents, which they feel appropriate, under four general categories: Aggression; Breaking Rules; Confrontation and Disengagement. These four, broad categories allow us, as a school, to analyse behaviour information and work together to prioritise the main area of concerns and look at ways to reduce the number of incidents in any given category.
So, what would each category include? The following are some examples and the member of staff would record the incident under the general heading which they felt was most appropriate. You can download a more extensive list below if you wish!
Examples of Aggressive Behaviours: Direct Physical such as hitting, kicking etc. Direct Verbal such as put-downs, swearing etc. Signs and Gestures such as disrespectful hand/finger displays, body language of disdain etc. Indirect such as insulting family and friends, insinuating poor taste etc.
Examples of Breaking Rules: Timeliness such as absences, being on time etc. Materials such as not bringing materials to class, writing in text books etc. Dress such as make-up and hair styles, incorrect school uniform etc. Behaviour, such as chewing gum, leaning back on a chair etc.
Examples of Confrontational Behaviours: Aggression Toward Staff such as hitting, arguing with teachers etc. Disrespect such as talking back, interrupting etc. Refusing such as refusing to sit, move, obey: “You can’t make me”, refusing to participate etc. Instigating such as repeated complaining, telling others what to do etc.
Examples of Disengagement: Off Task - Behaviour such as writing notes, performing the wrong task etc. Off Task – Verbal such as shouting out and asking off-subject questions, socialising etc. Tuning Out such as daydreaming, doodling etc. Hyperactivity such as carelessly rushing through work, fidgeting with materials etc.
Having selected the appropriate category the member of staff can add additional information about the incident. Once the incident is recorded on SIMS you will be alerted to it via the app.
As this is a first contact the information you receive is only the behaviour type: Aggression; Breaking Rules; Confrontation or Disengagement. If, after discussion with your child, you require more information then please contact us and if the office staff can’t help then the class teacher will get back to you as soon as is possible.
Should your child lose a number of marks, within a short period of time and we don’t see an improvement in their behaviour, or the incident is of a more serious nature then please rest assured your child’s Form Teacher, Head of Year or Deputy Head will be in contact with you and may well invite you in to see how we can support each other further to resolve any issues.
Hopefully this helps to clarify things and we thank you for your continued engagement in your child’s learning with us at TCMS.
At this school we take any information regarding bullying or any form of bad behaviour very seriously and aim to work with you at your convenience and confidentiality to address any such issues - Please contact school through the website or call us on 01289 307 480 - "We want to hear your concerns, let us get it sorted together"