Billendean, Terrace Spittal, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland, England, TD15 2DJ
01289 307480

Key Information

On this page we work very hard to update and publish - when fully available, the most up-to-date statutory and advisory information required by schools to deliver via school websites. All of the information hosted here is available in paper format upon request.

Please use the following links to view key information documents

Key Personnel

All key personnel can be contacted on our school telephone number (01289 307480) or by emailing our Admin team (

Please give your contact details and the member of staff will respond personally.

Headteacher: Mr Ben Hulbert

Deputy Headteacher: Mr Scott Middlemist

Assistant Headteacher:

Mrs Paula Richardson

School Business Manager:

Mrs Andrea Skelly

Office Manager: Mrs Andrea Skelly

SENDCo: Mrs Paula Richardson

Co-Chairs of Governors: 

Mr Rikki Renner

Mr Gavin Wilson


Tweedmouth Community Middle School

Billendean Terrace


Berwick upon Tweed



TD15 2DJ


Telephone: 01289 307 480 



Paper copies of all information listed on our website are available free upon request.

Special Educational Needs & Disability

To discuss SEND information & requirements we have regular drop in sessions available.

Our SEND Coordinator is Mrs Paula Richardson. Please contact Mrs Richardson for more details through the school office number: 01289 307480.