Attendance: Regular attendance is recognised as a vital part of every child's education and there is a clear link between regular attendance and success at school. We encourage and reward full attendance and seek the co-operation of parents in monitoring absence. A system of first day contact is used where parents are asked to let the school know on the first day of a pupil's absence. When this is not done, the school will seek to establish contact with the parents. Absence is monitored and patterns and problems are drawn to the attention our Educational Welfare Officer. We encourage parents not to organise holidays during term time and have entered into a partnership with other schools in the Berwick area not to authorise absences for holidays in the first two weeks of the Autumn Term or if the absence would mean that the pupil's attendance fell below the 95% threshold level.
Attendance: Regular attendance is recognised as a vital part of every child's education and there is a clear link between regular attendance and success at school. We encourage and reward full attendance and seek the co-operation of parents in monitoring absence. A system of first day contact is used where parents are asked to let the school know on the first day of a pupil's absence. When this is not done, the school will seek to establish contact with the parents. Absence is monitored and patterns and problems are drawn to the attention our Educational Welfare Officer. We encourage parents not to organise holidays during term time and have entered into a partnership with other schools in the Berwick area not to authorise absences for holidays in the first two weeks of the Autumn Term or if the absence would mean that the pupil's attendance fell below the 95% threshold level.
Attendance: Regular attendance is recognised as a vital part of every child's education and there is a clear link between regular attendance and success at school. We encourage and reward full attendance and seek the co-operation of parents in monitoring absence. A system of first day contact is used where parents are asked to let the school know on the first day of a pupil's absence. When this is not done, the school will seek to establish contact with the parents. Absence is monitored and patterns and problems are drawn to the attention our Educational Welfare Officer. We encourage parents not to organise holidays during term time and have entered into a partnership with other schools in the Berwick area not to authorise absences for holidays in the first two weeks of the Autumn Term or if the absence would mean that the pupil's attendance fell below the 95% threshold level.