Our curriculum
When Ofsted visited us in 2019, they were so very complimentary about our curriculum. They told us and our parents that “School’s curriculum is well designed and inspires pupils to learn”. They also reported that “pupils are confident and self-assured” and that “older pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education”.
These comments are a delight to read, but they come as no surprise to us - it is just ‘what we do’ at TCMS. We educate the whole pupil. Academic subjects form a vital part of a child’s learning, but we also understand the importance of sport, the creative arts and work to improve a child’s communication skills, their resilience, their ambition and their health and wellbeing. We want our pupils to develop into valuable and active citizens in their local, national and international communities.
Our curriculum is based on experiential learning. We invite professionals into school and plan trips out of school to give pupils exciting opportunities as part of their learning. Pupils then use these experiences and apply them to creative writing and discussion work in school. We all learn best when we are doing something we enjoy.
When pupils transition from Year 8 into the next phase of their education, and look towards GCSE qualifications, we want them to be able to make informed choices of subjects to study. These important decisions will be based on their experiences at Middle School, the passion they have developed within them and the real life context they have experienced in lessons.
Our curriculum will have already inspired them and they will be on a steady footing as they move towards a successful and fulfilling adult life.
The menu on the right will take you to individual subjects and curriculum overviews to inform you of what is taught and when.
The following table details the timetable allocations for each subject:
Our curriculum
When Ofsted visited us in 2019, they were so very complimentary about our curriculum. They told us and our parents that “School’s curriculum is well designed and inspires pupils to learn”. They also reported that “pupils are confident and self-assured” and that “older pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education”.
These comments are a delight to read, but they come as no surprise to us - it is just ‘what we do’ at TCMS. We educate the whole pupil. Academic subjects form a vital part of a child’s learning, but we also understand the importance of sport, the creative arts and work to improve a child’s communication skills, their resilience, their ambition and their health and wellbeing. We want our pupils to develop into valuable and active citizens in their local, national and international communities.
Our curriculum is based on experiential learning. We invite professionals into school and plan trips out of school to give pupils exciting opportunities as part of their learning. Pupils then use these experiences and apply them to creative writing and discussion work in school. We all learn best when we are doing something we enjoy.
When pupils transition from Year 8 into the next phase of their education, and look towards GCSE qualifications, we want them to be able to make informed choices of subjects to study. These important decisions will be based on their experiences at Middle School, the passion they have developed within them and the real life context they have experienced in lessons.
Our curriculum will have already inspired them and they will be on a steady footing as they move towards a successful and fulfilling adult life.
The menu on the right will take you to individual subjects and curriculum overviews to inform you of what is taught and when.
The following table details the timetable allocations for each subject: